Customizing Your Apple Xcode* Project using a Gradle* Script

With Intel’s Multi-OS Engine, you can customize the Apple Xcode* project for your app right in the Android Studio* IDE. This page describes all properties the Multi-OS Engine Gradle* Plugin supports for project customization. To customize the project, define all necessary properties in the <moe_module> /build.gradle script.

Xcode Project Mandatory Properties

You must define the following properties for your Xcode project:

  • mainTarget [String] - application name.
  • packageName [String] - Java* package name of your Multi-OS Engine module
  • mainClassName [String] - main class name. Default one is Main, but you must specify one if another is used:
moe {
    xcode.mainTarget ‘AppName’
    xcode.packageName ‘JavaPackageName'
    mainClassName 'Main'

Signing Properties

The Multi-OS Engine provides the following signing properties:

  • provisioningProfile [String] - Path to the provisioning profile. If not specified, a default one will be chosen on the system.
  • signingIdentity [String] - Signing identity name. If not specified, a default one will be chosen on the system. The name can be found from the Apple Keychain Access* tool on an Apple macOS machine.
  • bundleID [String] - Bundle identifier that matches the provisioning profile:
moe {
    ipaOptions {
      signingIdentity 'iPhone Developer: Developer Name'
      provisioningProfile '/Users/<username>/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/<id>.mobileprovision'
    xcode {
        bundleID ''

Resources Properties

Application resources

The default location of the application resources is src/main/resources. You can specify multiple resources directories in srcDirs and apply the include/exclude filters.

sourceSets {
    main {
        resources {
            srcDirs('src/main/resources', 'src/main/res')

Resources should be accessed from the code with respect to the specified resource directory. The example below shows how to access the ship.dae file from the art.scnassets folder located in the default place: src/main/resources/art.scnassets.

SCNScene scene = SCNScene.sceneNamed(“art.scnassets/ship.dae”);


A storyboard is a visual representation of the user interface of an iOS application, showing screens of content and the connections between those screens. The Multi-OS Engine provides the following storyboard property:

mainUIStoryboardPath [String] - Path to the MainUI storyboard file.

moe {
    xcode.mainUIStoryboardPath 'src/resources/MainUI.storyboard'

If it is not specified, the UITransfromer task tries to generate the storyboard file from .ixml files. These files represent a UI layout created by the Multi-OS Engine Layout Editor for iOS apps and should be in the layout directory under the resource folder.

If there is no layout folder and the mainUIStoryboardPath property is not set, the Multi-OS Engine will search the storyboard file in the default location: src/main/resources/MainUI.storyboard.

Splash screen

A splash screen is a graphical control element consisting of window containing an image. A splash screen appears while an iOS application is launching.

Choose one of these two ways to add a splash to your Multi-OS Engine app:

  • Using the launch image catalog in xcassets
    1. Prepare the folder structure <xcassetName> .xcassets/<launchImagesSourceName>.launchimage with icons and json file in the Xсode format.

    <xcassetname> .xcassets folder must be at the root of the resource directory

    1. Specify name of the launch image source - launchImagesSourceName:
    moe {
        xcode.launchImagesSource = 'launchImagesSourceName'

    For an example of adding a splash screen by specifying a launch image catalog, see the FlipView sample.

  • Using .xib or .storyboard files

    Specify an absolute or relative path to a .xib or .storyboard file:

    moe {
     xcode.launchScreenFilePath = 'path/to/xib/or/storyboard/file'

    For an example of adding splash screen by using LaunchScreen.xib, see the DateCell sample.

App Icons

  1. To add icons for your Multi-OS Engine app, create the folder structure: <xcassetName> .xcassets/<appIconsSourceName> .appiconset with icons and json file in the Xcode format.
<xcassetName> .xcassets folder must be at the root of resource directory.
  1. Specify a name of the app icon source - appIconsSourceName:
moe {
    xcode.appIconsSourceName = 'appIconsSourceName'
Example of adding app icons is demonstrated in the Calculator sample.

Catalog Assets

To add <xcassetName> .xcassets with other Asset Catalogs to the Multi-OS Engine module, place this folder at the root of the resource directory.

Resources from Sources

  • enableResourcesFromSourceDirs [boolean] - Specifies whether the resources detected by a Java* plugin will be added. The default value is true.
  • resourcesFromSourceDirExcludes [String List] - Java plugin resources filter:
moe {
    resources {
        enableResourcesFromSourceDirs false
        resourcesFromSourceDirExcludes [ "**/*.java", "**/*.scala" ]

Proguard Config

The build process includes a proguard step for shrinking application classes. To add custom rules to the default config used by the Multi-OS Engine build system, add your rules to the proguard.append.cfg file in the Multi-OS Engine module installation folder.